Wednesday 16 April 2008

Outlook - sunny, but cold

I checked the weather forecast this morning before deciding on how many layers of clothing to put on. It was 'Green Gym' day at the water meadows where a BBC team were going to film us in action, to be aired next wednesday. A cold easterly was due, but despite layers of mist when I set off, the sun quickly burnt through as I arrived. Small groups of us were given choices of mending a post and wire fence, clearing wood from fallen trees and sawing branches. Being tall and strong, I picked up my favourite Bow-saw and began sawing branches working alongside a colleague. In just a few minutes a camera with a hampster attached was thrust in the line of fire of my bow-saw and I stopped and started when told. The film crew were there for the full three hour duration, and the actual footage to be shown will be edited to 40 seconds, so I am confident that my identifiable features will not be broadcast around the nation, and even if they were, I would not be recognisable due to an exhaustive red glow to my cheeks from the endless sawing required in order to get 'the perfect shot'.

What did amaze me is the turnout of volunteers this week... hmm, could it be due to the prior announcement of a film crew? No... how cynical of me! Although, I never realised there were so many registered volunteers until now. Hair had been cut, combed and styled and lipstick was worn by many... mainly women. It was a glorious day in many ways even though my right shoulder seems bigger and just a tad sore. I look forward to more clearing of the water meadows so that cows - apparently Dixter's - will soon be introduced to graze, and in turn, keep at bay the Himalayan Balsam, (of which I haven't a clue as to what it is or looks like.)

1 comment:

Puddock said...

Hey - fame at last! When's it on?