It's only lately that I have felt that I am becoming a whole person again. A Psychologist said recently that it is okay to be 'lost' and not know what your path is... rather, it is a natural way of thinking your way through a difficult period in your life in order to come to a decision on what to do with your life now it has changed. Having read his article, I feel a lot better about being tossed around on an alien ocean of emotions, not knowing where I belong in society any more and not knowing where or what my true path is. I am starting to like myself again; starting to think positively about my life on this planet; starting to feel part of the human race again. My self-esteem is slowly and gradually coming back, although I can't pinpoint the moment this started happening or why. I have also lost weight, and don't know why, because I haven't consciously been dieting, although food has become less important to me lately. I haven't cried for a good few weeks now, and I can leap out of bed in the mornings without that heavy feeling of 'what's the point'? I know that I will have a relapse and will, at some point, give in to 'old' feelings of loss, uselessness and being rudderless. Having read that grief can usually take two years before a feeling of slight hope emerges and helps one on the road to integration again, has made me feel just a tad normal. If only I hadn't listened to all the novice advice given to me after the funeral such as: "It will take a year", "you will have sunshine in your life again", "you are still young enough to find another man" - yuk!
It will be three years in September. I am only just emerging from my ashes of grief into a dawn of normality where I can think about ME; about who I want to be and what I want to do. Although the 'what I want to do' bit is still hazy. I want to work for myself; study archeaology, psychology and philosophy. I want to laugh out loud and meet new people. I want to be alive and vital again... and this doesn't mean searching on a Dating Website... been there, done it and didn't like the results!
I feel safe now. No-one is trying to take my home away from me, (although his 'ex' tried to, just after he died). I don't have 'grieving widow' stamped upon my forehead as I first thought, and I no longer feel as if I am on the scrapheap, waiting to die and join my lovely man. He has been integrated, absorbed into my being and become part of me for ever. I can look at photos without crying, but instead, I smile at the good memories.
If I am moving on... then it is good. If I am deluding myself, then I hope I continue the delusion for it makes me happier and more optimistic.
I can understand why some women take their own lives after their loved one dies; and I can understand why some go a little mad. I have considered both options but have chosen to live and try to be as sane as possible. It ain't easy!